Top performances of the FACC Future Team at the apprentice competition
Once again this year, the apprentices of the FACC Future Team performed outstandingly in the annual apprentice competition.
712 apprentices from 87 companies - in the largest and most popular apprentice competition of Austria, three members of our FACC Future Team achieved top placements in the categories "Plastics Engineering" and "Women in Technology".
Eleven FACC apprentices took part in the apprentice competition 2019 of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce. And we can be particularly proud of the results of our Future Team, because they have all successfully met the challenges and completed their work positively. Our apprentices in the field of "plastics engineering" stood out in particular. Alexandru Papa and Maximilian Gramang (both 2nd year of apprenticeship) took second and third place in the category. Jana Badegruber also convinced the jury - with her top performance our designer made it to third place of the apprentice award for "Women in Technology".

We are thrilled to have received this award. Thanks to our excellent training, we did very well in the practical part .
Jana Badegruber (Apprentice design engineer, 2nd year of apprenticeship)

FACC is offering apprenticeships since 2001 - the range of courses extends from plastics engineering and design engineering to metal working technology and process technology to information technology and application development - coding. Currently, 46 apprentices - 22 girls and 24 boys - belong to our FACC Future Team. During their apprenticeship, they receive comprehensive vocational training that promotes not only specialist knowledge but also personality development. Concrete contents of an apprenticeship at FACC are among others:
- Internal and external trainings
- Excursions to different companies
- Preparation and support for the final apprenticeship examination
- Social Workshops
- Courses on topics such as how to handle money correctly, road safety, addiction prevention, . . .
- Etc.
Successes such as the top performances in the apprentice competition or the nomination as a "state-awarded training company" underline that we optimally prepare apprentices for their future careers with our concept of strongly promoting both their professional and their social skills.
„Our apprentices continuously impress with excellent results at apprentice competitions and outstanding performances at vocational school. We offer dedicated young people an ideal environment to train as specialist workers. As in previous years, we are delighted that our work is bearing fruit again this year and that we are receiving nationwide recognition for these achievements.“
Helmut Winkler, Head of Training

We also offer numerous other benefits to our FACC Future Team:
- Additional training opportunities in training centres and partner companies
- Apprenticeship with Austrian school leaving examination (Matura)
- Personality training and driving safety training
- A day-off on birthdays
- Apprentice excursions and leisure activities
- Youth public transport network ticket
- Etc.