FACC was present at the Invest Fair Stuttgart
From April 5 to 6, FACC was part of Invest Messe Stuttgart and presented itself for the first time to retail shareholders in Germany.
The Invest Fair in Stuttgart was an ideal opportunity for FACC - as a central player in the global aerospace industry and an ATX-listed company - to introduce itself to retail shareholders in Germany for the first time. For us, the Invest Fair, which is one of the most important investor fairs in the German-speaking world, offered the perfect setting to answer questions about FACC and make new contacts.
The interest of the visitors in our ATX listed company was high and in addition to numerous new contacts with visitors, we were also holding talks with aerospace students, pilots and existing shareholders.
The highlight of our booth was an original A-350 winglet, whose weight and workmanship caused admiration among the visitors. Above all, the aspect that the winglet produced exclusively by FACC is “Made in Austria"; met with great interest from many visitors.
Apart from the current Boeing 737 Max topic, the Urban Air Mobility Project - FACC's answer to the mobility of the future – was also frequently addressed. In the homeland of Daimler and Porsche there was hardly any scepticism about this, rather the visitors were open and enthusiastic about our vision - to create a completely new dimension of mobility with the EHang216 air taxi.
On the whole, the fair visitors had a very positive impression of our company and wanted to keep in touch to learn more about FACC. For us, too, the fair appearance was a complete success due to the frequent contact with potential shareholders.