FACC, EHang and PROSIEBENSAT.1 PULS4 present the Urban Air Mobility Project
Together with EHang, we are getting air taxis ready for series production by 2020 - we are starting a public dialogue on the subject of the mobility of the future in cooperation with our new partner, ProSiebenSat. 1 PULS 4.
At the beginning of November, we entered into a strategic partnership with EHang. In a joint effort, we will get air taxis ready for series production in Austria by 2020. We are now proud to announce our next major step towards the mobility of the future: With our new partner ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, we now have one of the most successful media groups in the DACH region at our side, which will be responsible for all public relations work.
With 16 propellers, 16 separate electric motors, a flight time of 25 to 30 minutes and a maximum speed of 160 km/h, we are among the pioneers of Urban Air Mobility in Europe. This gives us access to a market that, according to recent studies, could reach a global size of more than $2 billion by the middle of the next decade. Since the design of traffic routes is less complex, experts believe that autonomous flying will take off earlier than autonomous driving.
The question is no longer whether there will be air taxis, but when. And we will be at the top of that industry.
Robert Machtlinger, CEO of FACC
In order to secure our technological leadership in the field of autonomous aircraft, we plan to produce as many as 300 air taxis in Austria in 2019 and 2020. The aim is to increase this number to 3,000 by 2025. In addition, we intend to duplicate the Austrian assembly lines in 2025 and start local production in North America and Asia. By 2050, we expect a total of 98,000 of our air taxis to be in service worldwide. We will initiate the establishment of this service in the Asia-Pacific region, which will then probably be launched in South America and rolled out in Central Europe at a later stage.
We are currently involved in active discussions with industry partners, politicians and aviation authorities in order to define the framework conditions and regulations for individual air traffic in Austria. In large metropolitan areas in particular, there is an increasing demand for fast modes of transportation without incurring traffic jams - our air taxis are an environmentally friendly and noise-reducing solution to this problem.

An innovative, clean drive technology combined with the growing capabilities of digitalization allows us to implement completely new, highly efficient solutions in this area. Given stable 5G infrastructures, autonomous flying will soon be reality, offering customers a new dimension of convenience.
Felix Lee, EHang Overseas Managing Director
We wish to create acceptance with regard to the subject of autonomous aircraft, not only on the part of (inter)national authorities, but particularly among the general public. In addition to increased environmental awareness, today's population is above all shaped by its need for safety. In order to ensure the best possible communication on this topic, we have teamed up with ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4. The successful media group will take over all public relations work, answer questions from the general public and highlight developments and opportunities for the future.

Our 4GAMECHANGERS strategy is aimed at combining Europe’s media and digital industries. Effective immediately, we are building a media platform to address all mobility of the future issues – a platform we call ‘4GAMECHANGERS Ecosystem’. It will involve disrupting all conventional transportation systems, circumventing terrain features and traffic jams – and it is all electrified, low-emission, and time-saving. We consider it to be the systematic continuation of our 4GAMECHANGERS strategy and look forward to being an exclusive alliance partner
Markus Breitenecker, ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 CEO
The 4GAMECHANGERS Festival represents the starting gun for a broad media treatment, which will take place from 9 to 11 April in Vienna under the motto "Europe meets Asia". The media treatment will be provided in information, discussion and docutainment formats, both on the media group's own radio and TV stations as well as on partner media. Continuously updated information on the project will be available on the platform www.urban-air-mobility.io. Those who wish to experience our air taxis in action, and not just on their TV screens, have the opportunity to take a seat in one of them at the 4GAMECHANERSFESTIVAL. Our project will also be an important focus of the festival sessions.