EN 9100: Audit successfully completed
FACC focuses on premium: in products and services, in work processes, in technologies. Certifications ensure the necessary high and stable standards. In order to obtain or renew a certificate, strict checks in the form of so-called audits must be mastered. In April the audit for the industry standard 9100 took place. A short success report.
Our customers trust in our know-how, our premium components and our innovative services. In doing so, we always pursue the goal of not being satisfied with what we have achieved, but to become better and better. Certifications play an essential role in the process as standardized quality and system levels. Which certification FACC must show as a prerequisite for cooperation is usually regulated by contract with the Customer.

Industry standard EN 9100
In April, FACC had the audit for an essential industry standard, EN9100: EN9100 provides the globally recognized framework for a quality management system in the aviation, aerospace and defense industries. The areas of design, development, production, assembly and maintenance are the focus of the audit.
In the audit process in April, a wide range of different areas were involved across all hierarchical levels, from the Management Board to the specialist departments and production. The auditors examined all plants in Upper Austria, specifically Ried, Ort, Reichersberg and St. Martin, as well as our sites in Vienna, Bratislava and Canada.
Outstanding result
The EN9100 audit is a great challenge, if only because of its complexity and high requirements. However, the corona crisis made the general conditions even more difficult. Thus, the auditors of Quality Austria Ltd. - Gerald Perschler (lead auditor) and Manfred Leser (co-auditor) - interviewed the colleagues not on site, as usual in the respective working areas, but centrally in a training room because of the strict hygiene measures required. The visits to the shop floor, on the other hand, could be carried out according to plan by strictly observing the safety distance and by wearing face masks by all those involved.
The high level of commitment and comprehensive preparations for the audit were worthwhile: FACC successfully passed the audit and thus confirmed the EN9100 certification. Many thanks to all those who were involved in the successful audit in the run-up to and during the execution.